What to Do If You Can’t Locate Your Spouse for Divorce?

If you want to get a divorce, you have to serve the divorce papers to your spouse. But what happens when you cannot even locate where they are? This can add another layer of complexity to an already challenging situation.
Sometimes, spouses move to another place or intentionally avoid the divorce process by not letting their partners know where they are. If you are in a similar situation, it is important to understand the next steps to take.
While you should try to look for them by yourself, if that proves ineffective, consult with an experienced Boston family lawyer. They can provide the legal help you require during this difficult time.
Steps to take when you can not find your spouse
1. Make a thorough effort to find your spouse.
If you are unable to find your spouse, you should start by checking all the addresses you know. Look through the old letters, bills, and other documents that might have your spouse’s location. If your spouse has a social media account, you should check it, too.
Many people post updates of their lives on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, which can give you an idea of your partner’s current address. You should also not hesitate to reach out to friends and family members for help. These people may have any recent contact with your spouse or might know where they went.
Lastly, make sure you search through online databases. Some websites that offer people search tools can help you track your spouse’s address, phone number, and so on.
2. Use a private investigator.
If the above-mentioned steps do not provide any clue, you should hire a private investigator. These professionals are experienced and can help you track down your spouse’s location instantly. They have access to some advanced information that is not available to the general public.
They can do background checks, use surveillance, and read databases that may not be easily available to you. A private investigator can also interview people who might have your spouse’s location.
These professionals might come at a high cost; however, they can provide you various benefits. They have the skills and can give you the information faster than you might be able to do on your own.
3. Check employment and financial records.
You can also track your spouse through employment and financial records. If your spouse is still doing a job, you can contact their employer for the information. Employers always have up-to-date records of their employees, which may also include their phone numbers and house addresses.
Moreover, if you have access to your spouse’s bank account, your work can become easy. Look for any recent purchases made at specific stores that can suggest a location. Additionally, if they have given their taxes recently, their address will be listed on the return. In some cases, banks can also provide you with information; however, you must have a court order.
4. Inquire with government agencies.
Government agencies can be very helpful, especially when you are trying to locate someone. You should start with the Social Security Administration (SSA). If your spouse has applied for any benefits or updated their location, the SSA can help you find them. You can also go to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
They have records of the individual’s driving license. If your spouse has moved, they might have updated their location on the license. You can also explore other government databases like voter registration records. These records are public and can provide your spouse’s current location if they have recently voted in an election.
Don’t let your spouse avoid divorce!
If your spouse is trying to avoid divorce by hiding their location, you can take steps to find them. However, even if you do not find them, there are options to get a divorce without them. Talk to an attorney today.